Thursday, February 26, 2009

A breakfast date with Jesus....

Yesterday I had a "date" with Jesus. You may be asking yourself... "Heather, what are you talking about?! Did you meet a mexican guy out in Texas?"

Nope, .. Gee-sus not Hey-suece :)

I guess before I dive in, I need to fill you in with a little bit of background. Here goes,..a friend of mine the other day came over and we caught up on our week as we so often do, girl talk. We got to talking about telling people about Jesus, our Savior, and how us girls are so good at talking about guys(prospects) or if in a relationship then either our boyfriend or husband, yet we rarely brag on our Savior(1 John 4:14)/Husband (Isaiah 54:5)...

Another girl friend of mine came to hang out with me later that night and told me of her "date night with Christ" from the night before. She told me she got dressed up, packed up her Bible and journal and went out to a restaurant. She wrote to her heavenly husband telling him all of her thanks and joys and her enjoyment with his presence. I had had a date with Jesus before but it had been awhile. After she had reminded me of what I was missing out on, I decided to have a little breakfast date with Him myself, yesterday morning! It was so fun! I poured myself a bowl of cereal and then milk, nothing fancy and just starting "babbling" as I so often do to people (especially my family) and said, " God ... you're a pretty busy guy, .. and I'm a pretty busy girl but you are WAY busier than I'll ever be in a lifetime but God.. you choose to spend EVERY MOMENT with ME!!.. Really??!" I thought! and.. that's about the time my " ah hah!" moment hit me.

You see my past reminds me of a guy that in the end doubtfully was the best influence in my life but the thing was, he knew me inside and out and if I ever called him... he was right there. Selfishly enough, I haven't found anyone like that to take his place, per say except when finally realizing.. HELLOO!!! Heather?! Your Father!, your Maker!, . your King of Kings, ... spends every moment with you!

When I don't have a grocery buddy or when I don't have a church buddy or when I dont' have a " FILL IN THE BLANK"... God is my FILL IN THE BLANK!You may be thinking to yourself. duh Heather.. how long have you been a Christian now?? Seriously! You are just now putting two and two together? Sad to say but yes, I guess I am. I have heard it said SO SO SO SO SOOOOO MANY TIMES.. " Heather, find your satisfaction in Christ, if you don't you'll never be satisfied." To be honest, I prayed to see it , prayed to understand it but it wasn't until yesterday through joyful tears that I cried knowing the God of creation, knows me inside and out.

I never have to worry about aqkward dates or " interviews" to see if I fit the idea of someone else or really anything! My father knows when I am selfish, He knows when I have bad breath or what I look like right when I "rise and shine" and even knows how hideous my nails look after biting them.. He knows it all and He accepts it all!

Man! I'm so amazed knowing my Lord! But the truth is I don't know him hardly at all in comparison to his knowledge of me and now my heart aches to know Him so much more.Thank you Jesus for the "achy breaky heart".

You know when you have "ah hah!" moments in life or steps to maturity or whatever you want to call it, and looking back you can see the outline of your growth in Christ? You know what I mean? Well, this is one of those for me. Through all of my bad breakups and not so "perfect" boyfriends, I finally realized that if I don't love my Lord first wholly and completely, how can I ever find joy in a husband who will leave the toilet seat up, leave dishes in the sink with food crusted to them only for me to pour every ounce of elbow grease that I have onto one stinkin' dish or the times when he says, Honey, did you really just leave that "smell" in the "powder room", .. you know what I'm talking about! and f it doesn't smell like roses!:P And if he asks me what's for dinner while watching the t.v or worse playing a video game I'm gonna have to pray so hard!! or I will for sure scream!


Through this quite simple yet profound (at least to me) revelation, it's helped me to embrace my flaws a little more seeing that I fall to his feet daily not because I'm good or beautiful but because he is my father, He is my King and as a princess I should respect my heavenly father as the Prince of Peace He is. I bow because I'm too weak to stand seeing my inner rugged self and finding someway to pick my pieces up but somehow blindedly it seems so impossible. However, my father knows where my pieces of fragility lie and exactly how to piece them back together again by his heart strings for his precious child.

My prayer for you is that you Seek Him with all of your heart (Matthew 6:33) and when you truly understnad His glorious presence you will fall head over heals for your comforter and creator!

May God bless you immensely as you serve Him!

Friday, February 20, 2009

To Roll with the Punches..

Good friends are hard to find and one thing I have learned the hard way more than once is when those who call you "friend" are not truly really your friend. For me and the words I know in scripture," A friend loveth at all times." It's easy for me to be in the flesh and want to "spat off" but it's another to hold my tongue as scriptures say and to pray for my "enemies". The word enemy is a harsh word but I guess the ananym(spelling?) for friend is just that (more or less). I do my best to "Do to others as Iwould have them do to me."(Luke 6:31). I know we all fall short, meaning we all make mistakes, but I've never been able to swallow someone not liking me. Call me a people pleaser, I guess in a way I am but it still is tough for me to swallow when a person is not nice to me or chooses to be nice to me when it works for them. Patsy Clairmont says it best in her book "I Second That Emotion", one I would reccommend, by saying, "I mean, really, don't some folks just jitterbug all over your last nerve? They're so good at it that it makes one wonder if it's their gift."(chapter 1 pg. 2). I would have to agree with Patsy on that one. I know a few people I encounter at times that I can without a doubt say, it must be their "gift". In a way it saddens me to think that someone would pour so much energy into making another persons moment/day/life more difficult and at times rather miserable. Nonetheless, as a Christian, I am called to show the love of Christ to others even when it seems impossible and rather draining to even try. Although it seems ludicrous at times to be nice to someone who is so rude back to me, I pray that through my frustrations and inner flesh of defeat that I would somehow rise above the spite and instead bow the knee to someone much greater than anything I could ever say or do, so for me when times get tough and someone wants to hurt me with their actions and/or word, my prayer is that I would hide behind the cross and hold on so that bitterness, anger and vengence would not shine forth but my Heavenly Father through his son, Jesus Christ.Amen.