Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Things To Know:)

Things I am Passionate About:

1)Serving Jesus Christ
2)Seeing People Happy
3)Human Trafficking
4)Deaf people
6) Teaching parents how to be parents ( there should be a liscense for this!)
7)Seeing People accept Jesus into their heart

"Querks" and Pet Peeves

(P)1)When someone smacks their gum or chews food with their mouth open.
(P)2)When food is left on a plate/bowl and left in the sink to be washed (gross!)
(P)3)toilet seat left up ( I'm getting better at getting over this haha)
(Q)4)I use straws waayyy more than most people. I buy them at the grocery store.
(Q)5)I bite my nails (gross bad habit, I know)
(P)6)Overloaded trash cans ( but then I'm the one who is "disorganized" everywhere else.)
(Q)7)commitment ( I prefer last minute ideas)
(P)8)boring people ( I live for "Ceasing the Day")

Cool Points Recieved Lately:
1)Recieving Bluebell Icecream (A Surprise)
2)A card from a friend (encouraging words)
3)A friend went with me to witness
4)Friends sharing their testimony
5)Recieving mail
6)Encouraging phone calls
7)Words of wisdom

Monday, February 26, 2007

Your Grace Still Amazes Me

Jesus places random songs in my heart that are like his love songs to me. I find myself singing songs I havn't heard in years but when certain words or situations are brought up, that is when God pullls them out of my "filing cabinet" (a.k.a. brain) and reminds me of his greatness. This song below is just one of the many that I have enjoyed playing over and over again in my head:)

"you traded glory for a manger
to redeem a dying world
and made friends with this sinner
so that i could be restored

... your grace still amazes me"-Written by Matt Boswell

It pains me to see lost people. I am finally beginning to feel a small part of how Jesus must have felt when he came to Earth. He died for me and you and how amazing is His grace?! It still amazes me I am so thankful for his constant forgiveness and mercy. Remember!......

Jesus Paid it All, All to Him I Owe.

(Check Out Matt Boswell on Itunes.)

~Heather Brooke