Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Craigslist Junkie

I'm beginning to have an obsession with craigslist (to say the least).. I particularly love the "free" section. While looking for one person's junk and my "treasure" I have ran across some rather interesting ads. I'm convinced that if I continue in my obsession i'll find even more "interesting" ads such as the ones below that I assume will make you laugh out loud. Don't get me wrong I think it's great to think of others before throwing something "of value" away. I think the funniest part in all of it is actually taking time out to take a picture and then to post and add comments along with these free things.. I can definitely see how selfish I am in regards to thinking that much of someone else to give something (at times so senesless) away for free instead of just trashing it. Through these funny comments and pics.. I'm also humbled and come more and more to the reality of how bad our economy is and how honestly the entire world is. May we seek to be resourceful with the things we count as senseless and petty so recycling and thinking of others will in turn make our world a better place. But still.. as we do these things.. laughter may come! I know a few of people that laugh at me when I make trash into treasure and I know a few who are like that as well but for their sake will not mention names, haha.


Craigslist Advertiser posts:

"About 6 or so, still in the bag, but bag is, of course, opened. Boy colors. If you would like to leave a Dr pepper, that would ROCK!"

and no lie.. I found this pic in with an assortment of things for sale..