Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spring Break

Time goes so fast! Over the past few days of my Spring Break I have been catching up with friends and family that I normally do not get to spend much time with. I've gotten to go to my cousin's elemntary schools and eat lunch with all four of them. It's been a fun adventure to say the least. I've also gotten to hang out with "my peeps" at CharlotteOne. Last night I stayed with my friend, Stephanie in Charlotte. She's a Georgia peach :) My goals this week has been to get my car cleaned, CHECK:)... and to get my Taxes at least started on! That is on the list for today. I need to clean up more around the house but time has been short with working and catchiing up with everything else. So for tomorrow, I will visit my Great Aunt Dorothy and then catch up with cleaning. I know many of you dont really care much about my routine, haha, but I thought I would tell you all anyways just for kicks so thanks for listening to my "interesting" life.

My time with the Lord has been good but I still want more. Today at Family Dollar I found an awesome notecard/notebook to keep track of memory verses. I'm pretty siked about it. It's like a folder, rubber band, and it's spiral bond. You know that's cool! :) It's all about the small things in life.

Oh and can anyone tell me why we interchange St. Patrick's Day and St. Patty's Day? Did I miss something? Man to woman? I dont' get it. Please help me understand, afterall I should know since I'm Irish.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ready to Rest in Him...

My fear lately if I can be brutally honest with you is that the things God has brought me through to get closer to Him will be forgotten or rather not applied. I'm not sure if any of you know what I'm talking about although I have reason to beleive most of you may. I don't want to be complacent in my upbringing but rather unsettled for seeing the world much bigger than through my mere eyes. I want to see,ache, experience and reach the world for Christ. I want to think past my own desires and seek His desires so through His desires they will become my desires. Pslam 37:4 I'm off of work next week since it's Spring Break and to be honest, I'm looking forward to a great retreat to get more time with my Father,God.

Being back home is great! I'm so blessed to have a family like I do. It's funny though that no matter where I/You am/are, I'm/you're always going to have something to complain about. The truth about it all is, life isn't perfect. People definitley aren't perfect and there's only so much one person can do. The older you/I get, the most demands we have put on us. Do this, do that, the list(s) go on and on.

I am emotionally and physically tired. I want to Seek the Lord. Pray and love Him. I miss my Father. My Savior. My life has been more out of balance than I have wanted and my focus isn't in focus like I pray it to be.

I blog all of this out in hopes I'm not alone. I also blog it all out to just filter my thoughts out onto something visual.

So much on my mind...

Praying for a rested, humble spirit.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Rachel :)

Today is my great friend and co-worker, Rachel's Birthday! Her brother is in town for a bit and she's been showing him what her life consists of. Her smile can light up a room! I'm very thankful for her friendship and look forward to many more moments to share with her:). In Ecclesiastes 3: It talks about "To everything there is a season,and a time to every purpose under the heaven.." Even if Rachel and I are only coworkers for a "season", I'm still thankful for the here and now, sharing the times and laughs together while we can.

Here is a pic of Rachel and I and our two wonderful friends, Sandi and Ezelis.

Good times!:)