It's so easy to do the norm..wake up, work, eat, hang out with family, friends, sleep, repeat... but seriously... BLAH!! I love my friends and family, don't get me wrong, but I want to Seek the Lord daily.. I want to have a real personal relationship. Yes I read my bible, yes I pray, yes I sing in the shower and car my favorite praise songs, but it's not enough. I want more of Him, my Jesus. I dont' want to just live life my way day in and day out. He blessed me with hands to interpret, to have a job, to pay my bills, to have shelter, to have a car, .. the least I can do is give him credit for all He has done. I'm disgusted with myself so often for watching television programs mindlessly when I have yet to see what my Savior, Father, Creator has to tell me. I'm NOT a morning person but if the Lord had no place to lay His head when on earth, the least I can do is give up a little bit of comfort (literally) to enjoy what my Savior has instore for me. He makes each day new for me to enjoy. He brings me sunshine and rain, he brings me rainbows and butterflies, dogs to pet and children to hold. What a mighty God I get to serve!
To my readers: Please pray that I will add more time to my days by waking up earlier or locking my self in my room sooner (before bed) so I can seek His face and have that "date time" with my Heavenly Father. My friend gave me a 90 day plan for reading the Bible all the way through. I'm definitely interested. I want to read His word like a Karen Kingsbury Novel, not that I've ever read one, although I hear they are quite the read!
Father remind me of your great love minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. I want more of you Jesus. Make me uncomfortable so I seek your face more and more. When I'm weak, you make me strong. Your love is better than life Lord. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice so that I can live for you and be with you in Heaven. I love you Lord.Amen.