Tuesday, February 16, 2010


The latest thing I would like to exclaim my praises to God for are the continuous outpouring of new Christian friends through CharlotteOne. I love being apart of the body of Christ. Last night was the Shane and Shane concert!! As always it was amazing. I think my new favorite song of theirs is burn us up. Check it out!

I almost forgot!.. so, I'm a greeter at CharlotteOne each week and since last night was the concert, I was one of the peeps taking the tickets to get in. While I'm taking tickets,this guy trys getting in without a ticket and says, " I'm with the band, I'm with the band." My skeptic self is like, yea whatever go ahead. It wasn't until my friend Daniel told me, the guy I tried to keep out of the place was the guy I had came to see! Talk about hilariously embarrassing!In case you are aching to know who it was, it was Shane Everett. It just goes to show you how ordinary "famous" people look. It was a neat reminder to me that we all fall short, and no matter how "famous" we are, we all will bow down to the FAMOUS ONE.

1 comment:

Que bonita! said...

hahaha- Heather you are so cute! i love your story. You are right.. i am so glad we bow down to the ulimate famous one!!! love you!