Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm in DC!!!... it's good to be back!:)

I'm here in DC at a friend of mine's place. I'm here for a "college girl time" reunion! My girls are coming in tomorrow night so I'm here hanging out with one of my interpreter friends I met from when I use to work here in the Nation's Capitol. Today, the Pope came into town. I'm so out of the news scene though that my mom actually was the one to tell me about him coming. I'm not doing much of anything right now which is kind of uneasy for me in a strange way but at the same time super great. Dominick, I know you'd be proud as I sit here on the couch doing nothing but bogging in pj's while it's still light out... wow, that's a first I think ( unless I'm sick), howveer I am sleep deprived and instead of napping as I should be I have decided to still do "something" so my anxious self decided to blog! In a few days I'll be on my way to NC to be in one of my best friend's wedding, Ms. Courtney Eller, soon to be Mrs. Courtney Wilson:).

Not too much to say really, just been working a lot and trying to hold everything together. Southwestern Savvy is next friday. Southwestern Savvy is a women's event that is held at Southwestern Seminary for women of SWBTS to worship together while getting to know one another at the same time. There are shirts available for sale and they're only $10. They're pretty cool looking if I do say so myself. My friend, Erin Edwards was the one who made the design possible:), so thanks bunches Erin!!- you rock!

My friend, AJ posted a blog about a 101 year old man running a marathon and well I have to add the link to this blog post becasue it's just too cool not to see it for yourself. How awesome.. and man do I feel like the biggest loser ever!

Well, ... lots to do, sure you'l hear a little about it.. until then!

Prayer Requests-

Anna Paige-IMB Conference
Emily and Lindsey- traveling
Sarah- big life decisions ( grad school, job, housing)
Keturah-job placement/summer plans
Michelle- traveling ( Nashville, Tn.)
Southwestern Savvy-for it to be a great success honoring Him!
Todd- my cousin serving for our country as well as the other men and women serving.
Brandon and Adam- trip to Africa, housing plans
Beautiful Feet- for all the hurting hearts and brokenness.- for the people to seek His face and His plan for their life.


My co worker, Marci's little boy's blood count is back to normal!!
Stacy's grandfather is in heaven with Jesus!
( he accepted him into his heart and life just before passing)
My grandparents made it to California ( pray they make it back safely on Saturday)

1 comment:

- said...

hey! i am proud of you taking a break in your pj's. thanks for the shout out. i'll see you some time this week i'm sure.