Monday, June 2, 2008

June 2nd.....

I'm in the midst of making myself a tshirt quilt but have yet to complete it mainly because I need a sewing machine so I'm gonna use my Memaw's once I get home to the Carolina's! I also have plans to make my brother a tshirt blanket. Who knows when I will complete that?! Hopefully, sooner that I think:).

oh one more thing before I forget, .. I have some prayer requests if you wouldn't mind lifting up as you read this, I and others I know would greatly appreciate it.:) Thanks and God bless!:)

- Co-worker: daughter's pregnancy

-Co-worker:recent death of father in law and husband is leaving soon ( military).

-Friend-obedience to the Lord's plan in his life.

-cousin-U.S. Army training/keep his faith strong as he is surrounded by unbelievers daily.

-Brother-college prepartions/future roommate

-Parents-obedience to the Lord's plan for their life wherever He leads them.

-Sarah, friend-grad school decisions/living situations

-Brandon, friend- summer camp, kids and peers and others he will be shining Christ around.

- Adam, friend- continuing dependence on Christ.

-Anna Paige, friend- Hungary Missions and Preparations

- Lindsey, friend- Kenya missions ( in orphanages).

-Emma Lynn, friend- financial circumstances, pray God continues to provide as said He would.

-Joy, friend at Beautiful Feet-to realize her body is the temple of Christ and to not allow it to be abused and to fight to have a better life.

-Dennis, friend-continuous inner joy through Jesus.

-Me- sickness, contentment, rest, obedience to Christ.

I'm sure I'm missing some... I could probabaly go on and on but I won't. If there is a prayer request you would like to have prayed for please send me a comment/post and I wil be sure to lift it up. Thanks for reading my blog. Hope you have a great God-filled day!!


Anonymous said...

HEATHER! I love the masssive GWU bulldog at the top of that quilt. I'll get you a t-shirt with my face on it, so you can sew me up in your quilt too. I know you want nothing more in this world than for me to keep you warm at night!

Heather said...

haha... that would be great josh... maybe i could make it a pilowcase so i can cuddle too;)lol,crazy guy.