Monday, June 2, 2008

Undo-Rush of Fools

How many times have we felt this way? I know I sure have. I hope as you watch this video you are reminded of how awesome and graceous our Heavenly Father is! We aren't good enough and honestly never will be but he still chooses to love us and use us if only we'll let Him. My prayer is to be more and more like Him daily pressing on towards His greatness and not looking back at where I've been but to be encouraged and enthuiastic at becoming more like Him! It's easy to feel discouraged at the mistakes we've made against our Father but when it's all said and done, guess what? He still takes us as we are and sometimes is even carrying us through the toughest times, the thing is, we have to let Him. So many times we/I try taking control over our circumstances, work, finances, even lack of sleep forgetting He gives us rest and peace we just have to step back a little and let him take the lead. If any of you know me, you know I'm pretty stubborn and have a hard time taking the " back seat" to anything so God reminds me daily, or so it feels, to let him take charge and for me to just chill out. If you're going through some hard times right now, just remember, He knew you before you were ever born. He loves you and cares about you more than anyone ever can. Trust him to turn your life around and to "Undo" you to be more like Him. I hope that through this video you are also encouraged and humbled at His greatness!

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