Monday, March 19, 2007

Back in Texas

I never realized how much I really do like this state... for those of you from here. Don't get a "big head" about it though. I still don' t see it as the "texans" do around here, haha. However, I have come to appreciate the flat ground more so than I did before. But I think what I like the most is the fact that everything is within 5 to 15 minutes away! I have grown to be impatient with regular roads back home and slow people and trees covering up my sunsets. I was ready to be back and see the sunset on the horizon as well as seeing the city lights. These things is what I have grown to love since I have been here. Others things ofcourse too but as far as state to state comparison goes, that is it. On the other hand, I was not able to travel to the beach or the mountains while at home so those things definitely make my state a great one too:).

The highlights of my trip home to North Carolina...
-ofcourse seeing my family
-taking my cousin out for icecream and to a nearby school playground
-watching my brother's games
-seeing my other cousin practice tball for the first time
-sunday pot luck with all my family (approx. 30 of us)
-eating at all of the local restaurants with family and friends
-spending time with Courtney and going to Plato's Closet

So, I got a lot in as you can see, now i'm ready for a REAL break!:)

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