Monday, March 5, 2007


I visited Fellowship Church of Grapevine today and it was sooo amazing!. I have never felt so pumped about church ever! I can't wait to go back and get involved with this awesome church doing God's work. If you odn't have a home church yet and live in the Fort Worth area, You have GOT TO check out Fellowship Church of Grapevine. Ed Young is the pastor. He didn't speak this morning, another woman filled in for him but the service was still just as great ( from what I heard from other people). It was so well organized and seemed like everything they could possibly get their hands on, they were doing it already. The message this morning was about Serving. The speaker mentioned Phillippians 2:. I really like this chapter. It was a good refresher:).

I know I don't serve enough, I'm not sure if I know anyone who would admit they do, but I know I enjoy doing it and really like seeing other people serve others ( the speaker mentioned this as well). It's fun to see people working together hand in hand and especially when the serving is not always the most favored job.

Overall, today was a great day:)...

Emily Woody's Birthday bash helped tie my great day all together into an even greater day:)

Happy 25th Emily!!

1 comment:

Collin said...

It's great to see you got so much out of this weekend's message and that you are pumped to come back again! By the way, the speaker's name was Tianne Moon. May God bless you this week! =)
